Friday, March 02, 2007

Just Curious...

Rich is taking Annie and one of her friends to see Bridge to Terabithia tonight. Annie loves to go to the movies. And whenever a movie is made based on a book she has read, we like to reward her with a trip to the theater to see it. Being the voracious reader she is, she gets to see nearly all of those based-on-a-book movies.

But it is always Rich who has to take her. I hope this doesn't make me a bad mommy, but I simply cannot watch a movie at the theater. Don't get me wrong, I love movies. I just have to watch them in the comfort of my own home. Which essentially means, I need to watch them where I can be doing something else at the same time. Used to always be some form of crafting, but these days it's often working on homeschool prep. Anyway, I cannot just sit. My hands need to be doing something. Sitting in a movie theater seems about on par with Chinese water torture. Simply cannot do it.

Just curious... you like to see movies in the theater? And if you do, do you prefer the theater to viewing at home?


jenny said...

I can't just sit and do nothing during a TV show or Movie at home. I have to keep on being productive---even if this means reading blogs or something! But I do go to the movies. I understand your feeling about it, but there are some movies worth me sitting still through. One bad thing is, to keep my hands busy, if we splurge on the popcorn, I have busy hands shoveling popcorn from buttery tub to open mouth! The popcorn itself is almost enough reason to go to the theater!

Rob Carr said...

I often get tickets to movie previews thanks to my comic book store. At home, I have to be parallel processing. In the theater, I can concentrate. Since I write reviews for my blog, it's best I don't have anything to do with my hands besides hold my wife's and eat popcorn!

Dawn said...

I'm the same way. I almost never sit and watch TV without something else going on. It drives me crazy!

take care,