Tuesday, March 06, 2007

this or that?

Just some meme-ing fun with Tuesday Twosome:

Are you more likely to…

*Give advice or take advice?
--Take advice. Definitely! I try to never, ever give unsolicited advice! I have many relatives (who shall remain nameless), who seem to relish in giving unsolicited advice...and who can't seem to drop it if you choose not to take their advice. (I honestly don't mind advice offered with good intentions. I do, however, find it hard to stomach people who think "their way" is the only way.)
*Interrupt a conversation or have your conversation interrupted?
--In a house with 3 children, definitely have a conversation interrupted. Despite a multitude of efforts to stop this behavior.
*Get lost while driving or be the one that always has the right directions?
--Be the one with the right directions. But this is simply because I despise driving and avoid it whenever possible. So I'm generally the navigator, while Rich is the captain.
*Be a trendsetter or be a follower?
--Neither. I'm not really a big follower. Don't feel the need to follow the trends. But nor am I a trendsetter...in fact, that thought is downright laughable!
*Look at a situation as “half empty” or “half full”?
--I make an effort to be a "half-full" kind of person, but don't always succeed.


Valtool said...

I've always liked the philosophy that the glass is neither half empty nor is it half full. It IS simply twice as big as it needs to be to achieve it's needed task.

Dawn said...

Debi, I have been working forever it seems to get Timmy to STOP interrupting! It seems like a never ending battle. I'm also a half full kind of person too :)

take care,