Thursday, April 26, 2007

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday

  1. Does what you read vary by the season? For instance, Do you read different kinds of books in the summer than the winter?

--I probably should skip playing this week, because again my answer is simply boring. My reading doesn't vary at all by season. In the past, I've just always read whatever I happened to be in the mood for, and I don't think that has ever following any kind of pattern. Maybe the one exception would be that I occasionally read some kind of Christmas themed book around the holidays.

Anyway, these days I think my choices are dictated a lot by homeschooling--and all the reading challenges I can't seem to stop myself from signing up for.


Dawn said...

I never even thought about if what I read varies by season. I know I love to read Nicholas Sparks during my summer vacation. :)

take care,

Marianne Arkins said...

I chuckled at your homeschooling remark -- lately, I've been reading all children's books from my own long ago childhood to find things for my DD to read: The Prydain Chronicles (she's reading it for the fourth time currently!), The Dark is Rising series, A Wrinkle in Time series and many more.

Thanks for visiting!

Jupiter said...

Re your comment: I know exactly what you mean. :( I'm not sure I can listen to that song without thinking about it.

twiga92 said...

Yeah, my reading doesn't usually vary by season. It's all about what mood I'm in.

Julia said...

Debi -

We both basely agree on same thing. I always read by moods. And of course I try to read Christmas theme around holidays I said, other books always get attention before that one LOL. Thanks so much for visiting my blog

Happy TT!

gail@more than a song said...

As I told Stacy, reading something Christmasy in December is about as seasonal as I get! Unless I pick something that might be considered "beach lit" for summer but I usually just read whatever whenever I feel like it!

Melody said...

Hi Debi, I'm with you on this! Happy BTT!

Alice said...

Hi Debi, same here... :)

Literary Feline said...

Yes, those challenges sure are keeping us in line, aren't they? Haha

I was surprised to see that so many of us are not seasonal readers. I'm not sure why I thought we would be . . . It's nice to know I'm not alone. :-)

Unknown said...

I joined three challenges and they have dominated my reading ever since. Since I am at number two of three chunksters my generally prolific reading habits have slowed down dramatically. But this isn't seasonal.

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

If your answer is boring, so is mine, because I'm basically the same way! The random, light Christmas-themed type book is about as seasonal as I get :)