Okay, now on with the update...
Yep, totally forgot to do this last week. Though in truth, I don't think I would have had anything to post then. But this week, I do actually have a few odds 'n ends...
Thanks to the 30 Day Organizational Challenge I whipped up some quick little valances for the windows in my little craft room. Nothing fancy, but they seem to work pretty well in those horrid basement windows...they cover up a bit of the natural ugliness yet still let in the precious little natural light that the room so desperately needs.
Also for in the room, I covered a couple of Velveeta (well, the generic version of Velveeta) boxes with some fabric scraps from the valances. Again, nothing fancy, but they look better than before they were covered.
On the knitting front, I finally finished Annie's scarf. Now that spring seems to have actually arrived. Well, it's still down in the 30s most nights...maybe she can wear it then.
And now that I feel I have the basics (and I really do mean just the basics) of knitting down, I decided to go back to crocheting for a project. I'm working on a baby afghan to donate to Newborns in Need. Of course, it doesn't look much like an afghan yet.
As well as my own projects, I helped the boys (mostly in the form of wielding the hot iron) finish up their Mother's Day gifts for their Grammy. (Grandmother's still need to be made.) Anyway, Max made this cute little suncatcher (which I really wish I could keep for myself)...
And Gray's present to Grammy is a t-shirt. His part of the project actually occurred early last fall. But as soon as I saw this drawing of his, I knew it was going to become Mother's Day gifts. And this past week, I finally got around to turning his artwork into a tee for Grammy. (Grandmother will also be getting one of these treasures. And I really think I must make one for myself, too!) Annie was gracious enough to model it for me, as I thought it would photograph better that way.
And I do believe that completes this creating update.
**If you would like to read how creative the boys can be in other endeavors, please feel free to read the post below. LOL
Great job on all of it! I saw your completed room over on your other post and it looks good....I think the boxes covered in fabric are SO cute! What a fun thing.
It's still in the 30's for you at nights? I hate to tell you this, although I hate the thought of it even more, it's supposed to be 90 here today! Yikes!
How cute! Love the shirt and the suncatcher! I think your kiddos are following your footstepsin the creative department! So neat!
As for the baby blankie you're going to donate... huge (((hugs))) to you! What a wonderful cause! The blankie is off to a wonderful start! I bookmarked the site and will be donating some things here soon. Since I don't sew, I'll have to go shopping ... darn, LOL!
Oh, I recognize those horrid basement windows, 'cause it's exactly what I have in mine! I am certain that's the reason why I don't get a whole lotta sewing done. Yep. That's the reason!
LOVE the crafts :-)
Those valances are really cute, and I love the covered and repurposed boxes!
I wish I could knit or crochet! Your projects look great.
The sun catcher and the t-shirt - TOO cute!
You are quite crafty!!!
Oh, how I would LOVE it if it were still cold here at night! I love at least cool nights, and those are few and far between now. And I'm already complaining about the heat during the day!
Awesome..I am so jealous of your talent. THanks for posting pics with it
My goodness, that all looks really great! Good grief, I am craeting challenged. I can't sew, I can't knit, I can't crochet and I can't even cover Velveeta boxes in pretty fabric. I'm totally impressed!
Annie is an adorable model, too! :)
Hi Debi! Thanks for sharing. I wish I know how to crochet. The
afghan looks lovely!
Wow, you have been busy. The valance looks great and I just love the fabric covered boxes!! The t-shirt is a great idea!! The afghan you are making is just so pretty!!!! Great sun catcher too! Wow, it's been a busy creating week for you!!!
Annie looks like she likes her scarf! Yes, it is still cold at night. I woke up to a frost covered car this morning and and to wait for the defroster to kick in!
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