*We headed out Friday afternoon for our "field trip" to Saratoga. It was one of those "can anything else go wrong?!!" kind of days. Nothing major...just a million little minor things. Like having to make an unexpected trip to the vet's office before leaving to get Baker a different dosage of pills. Like Baker pooping on the floor when we were waiting to "check in" at the kennel. Like me accidentally going into the men's room (twice!) to get paper towels to wipe up the floor. Like not being able to find a hotel (though we eventually did). Just those piddly little nuisances making us wonder if this trip was a good idea.
*But Saturday turned out to be wonderful! We had a fabulous time at Saratoga National Historical Park. They have a great visitors center...the battlefield tour was fantastic...and of course, we enjoyed the hiking trail. (Though the boys were sort of dragging there at the end.) They were also having British Camp Days at the park...so we got to see some reenactment activity. The boys have been playing Redcoats and Patriots ever since.
*Mother's Day was somewhat uneventful. Too many errands and whatnot, I suppose. Picking up Baker from the kennel, grocery shopping, and the like. We did go out to dinner. And of course, I got presents. In fact, they totally surprised me with the cutest little iPod shuffle! I am so excited! Now I just have to figure out how to use it...which for me, will be quite a task!
The Present:
*Poor little Maxidoodle is sick and staying home from school today. He actually isn't complaining at all...he's always such a trooper when he's under the weather. But he is running a fever and has a nasty cough.
*Annie and I have a lot of catching up to do for school. We really got out of whack somehow last week, but I'm not really worried about it.
*I really need to sit down and work on a major "to do" list for the next couple weeks. Things have somehow fallen apart around here. And we're going to be getting some company over the next month...first my in-laws and then some old friends from Tennessee. I'm so excited! But I need to get this place whipped back into shape first!
*"Soccer season" starts tonight. The kids love playing, and I think it's really good for them. But...it really makes things hectic around here. Monday through Thursday nights are now booked through the end of July.
*The weather this time of the year is frustrating. I'm not complaining. Really. It's wonderful to be enjoying beautiful spring afternoons! Today, for example, we're supposed to have a high of 70 degrees. Shall be glorious! But of course, the nights are still rather cold. It just makes it hard to dress for the day when it's in the 30s in the morning, but then reaches 70 in the afternoon. I usually just don my shorts and shiver for a while. The kids usually choose to dress warmer and then change later in the day...just what I need...twice the laundry. But I can't really blame them.
The Future:
*Well, mostly that will be filled with trying to bring some order back to this house. Trying for finish up our school year over the next 6 weeks. Trying to come up with a plan for next year's schooling. Trying to make a dent in some of my challenges. And as always, trying to make our home a happy place to be.
Oh wow, Saratoga sounds awesome! Love the pictures and I'm so glad you guys had a good trip. Sorry about all of the little things that went wrong, but glad it wasn't something bigger :)
Your pictures are just great! It sounds like a fun time (minus those few little setbacks!)
Your life sounds as busy and hectic as mine. I hope you get your to do list made and completed!
take care,
Awww, hope the sickies go away! That's no fun!
So glad y'all had such a fun trip! Loved the pictures! :o)
Had to laugh at your drama before leaving for the trip. Sounds like me, LOL!
Saratoga sounds like a really fun place, glad y'all had a good time! Love the pics...sweet, sweet family Debi!
No more cool here, just 90 degrees...it will be so much hotter later in the summer. It is hard to dress for the changes you have but enjoy it while you can!
How stupid am I that I didn't realize that you have TWO sons. Sheesh.
I really appreciate the comment you left about intelligence and things. I am SO glad I'm not the only one. I seriously thought that I was the only person on earth with "average" kids.
You're such a good friend. Thanks for your support all the time!
Your trip sounded exciting, despite the little mishaps. I hear ya on trying to get things whipped back into shape. Just one day off our normal routine throws everything out of whack!
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