Thursday, July 12, 2007


It practically goes without saying that motherhood is one tough job. It's exhausting. It's exasperating. Plain and's hard. In monetary terms, the pay sucks. But as most moms know, it's got some wonderful benefits.

One of the unexpected benefits is the chance to be a hero. Each and every day. Sure, moms are taken for granted. A lot. Yet still, so many times during the course of a normal day, kids express their gratitude over the simplest of things. Just this morning, I got to be "a cool mom" simply by making the monkeys orange juice smoothies to go with their bagels for breakfast. I got to "save the day" by catching the spider in the boys' room and taking it outside. And then I was "cool" again, simply for letting them play in their jammies.

Yep, the perks are worth it.


Jennifer said...

I couldn't agree with you more! Probably one of the toughest jobs on the planet, but absolutely the most rewarding! I love mom perks!!!

Jean said...

When elder son Don graduated from high school, he took me aside and thanked me for being his Mom. He said that watching one friend in particular whose parents were not that involved in his life had driven home to him how much my involvement had contributed to his success, that I had been there when he needed me even if he didn't know at the time that he did. Yep, it's worth it, and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Debi said...

How on earth did you keep yourself from crying?!! That must have been one of the best moments of your life! And what a totally awesome kid to even think of telling you all that!

Melody said...

Hey Debi, I definitely agree with you on this! It's tough being a full-time mom, but yes it's a rewarding job! It's always feel so good to hear them laugh with you, no matter how bad they can be some times. LOL.

kreed said...

You are a cool mom! I am just worried that my "cool mom" moments won't come so often during the preteen and teen years! Jean's comment gives me hope for that, though!

gail@more than a song said...

Aww, how sweet! And how so true, I loved it all.
Jean's comment made me teary! Those are the kinds of things we wait for. My oldest did write a letter after he graduated high school to thank us for some things and to apologize for some things as well...we still have the letter!

Jean said...

One key, I think, to dealing with kids--your own or those of other people--is not to sell them short or underestimate them. Also, don't make promises (or threats) you aren't willing to follow through on. I once led a Girl Scout troop with a friend, and we had a girl move from Virginia to south of Atlanta right before her senior year in high school. We told her that if she finished her Gold Award we would come to the ceremony. She did, and we did. My own boys were in preschool at the time, and there were some other parents at school who told me I was stupid to leave here at noon on a Saturday, drive ten or so hours, and return Sunday night after a late afternoon ceremony. They didn't seem to understand that a promise is a promise, and kids, teenagers especially, need to know that adults will keep theirs. And, yes, I did get teary when Don thanked me. It would have been hard not to.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, I just loved this post! Even though there isn't a paycheck involved, the perks far outweight any paycheck. That's what being a Mom is all about! You nailed it right on the head!

Kinda like why the girls are out in the pool with ALL their Barbies and haribrushes ... just being kids! I was playing in my jammies until about 30 minutes ago, LOL... when I realized that I needed to get dressed if I was gonna go to the mailbox, LOL.

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Great post, and you're so right! I bet you're one super cool mom :)

Unknown said...

All you need is a cape and a cool headpiece, and you are set!

Annie said...

I got to be cool the other day for letting bailey eat his chocolate bar before lunch :o)... it sure was a cheap price for coolness.