Thursday, January 31, 2008

challenges, memes, and contests...oh my

Will I ever learn?!! Ever?!! Why is it that I cannot stop myself from signing up for all these reading challenges?!! Like I wasn't in totally over my head already, I've gone and signed up for 4 more in the past couple of weeks. On the bright side, I know I'm in good company with this little obsession!

Chris, who happens to exhibit slightly more control than I when it comes to signing up for reading challenges, tagged me with one of those fun little book memes. I don't know why, but I always enjoy reading these.

Book Meme Rules

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

Okay--closest book happens to be Blaze by Stephen King.

The baby stirred only slightly.
Now the window. Blaze lifted it, and was confronted with a storm window beyond that.

Not the most interesting of passages this time. Oh well. And as for tagging, I guess I won't pick five people this time, but I do hope everyone decides to do I said, I just find these fun to read.

And finally, anyone signed up for Annie's What's in a Name Challenge, today is the last day to enter her first contest. Annie and I have been having fun reading everyone's responses to her first question!


Jupiter said...

I give up on challenges! I am way too capricious in my reading habits,I've figured out :P Plus, my son is in AP Lit this year and every time he reads something new...and he learns I haven't read it...he gives me homework and makes me read it too LOL

Anonymous said...

Howdy!!! I'm back from my unplanned bloggy break and wanted say hello!! Hope you and your family are doing good. I've sure miss ya!! (((HUGS)))

Ana S. said...

4 more, oh my :o But hey, it's fun to join and that's what matters. The Banned Book Challenge is calling my name...I like the fact that you get to pick the number of books. I still have a while until the 24th of February to decide, I guess.

I love seeing what everyone comes up with in those memes, too.

Jean said...

Figure 8-5 illustrates the sheet that appears, in which you can enter a name for the bookmark.

Hey! It's not my fault that the closest book was MacBook for Dummies! That's only because I had to be on the Mac in order to post photos of quilts to my blog.

Debi said...


You totally cracked me up! I read that first line, and couldn't help but think, "What the hell is she talking about?!!"

chrisa511 said...

Actually that little passage from Blaze has me very intrigued...the possibilities are endless...what could be going on there :o

I loved the Banned Book Challenge last year...I read 8 books and loved all but 2 of them. They were some of my favorite books of the year. And I read my first Bradbury during it! No more challenges for me right now though!!

Melody said...

Oh my, more challenges! They are all so tempting. I'm not sure if I want to take on more, Debi! And I can already hear the "Heart of a Child Challenge" is calling out to me, LOL.