Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I wish I wasn't so technologically challenged!

For some reason, some wordpress blogs have decided that they don't like me anymore. They won't let me comment. So Chris and JP, I's not that I don't love you anymore! I swear I'm still reading, and even still commenting, but the comments just aren't showing up. If I wasn't such an idiot when it comes to computers, maybe I'd know how to fix it, but I am an idiot and I don't know how to fix it :(


Court said...

Debi - it's nothing you're doing! I have a wordpress blog, and a lot of times comments from people with blogger accounts get stuck by the spam filter until either I moderate the comment, or until I head into the spam filter and play with the settings. Because a lot of people who comment from blogger blogs are just posting spam, I think a lot of spam filters are automatically assuming that anyone with a blogspot or blogger blog is automatically spamming and not posting real comments... Maybe you can mention to the authors of the blogs that you're trying to comment at to change their spam settings?

Ana S. said...

Yup, I was going to say the same as's not your fault, and there's really nothing you can do. The same thing happened to me at JP's blog for over a week, but then it started working again. It's wordpress's fault. I know how frustrating it is, though.

Dewey said...

At least one of my readers can't comment with my new spring theme. And mine is wordpress. But! She can comment on some posts but not others. So she just goes to a post she knows she can comment on and leaves comments for new posts there. I wonder if you could comment on some of their old posts?

Kim L said...

debi-that is frustrating! Don't feel too bad, I'm pretty untechnological (is that a word?). It takes me forever to figure anything out with blogger, even the simple things.

Wordpress probably just took a dislike to you.e

chrisa511 said...

:( Have no fear...I'm pulling your comments out of the spam filter :) I don't know why the hell it's doing that but it's aggravating the hell out of me! Damn Wordpress! I checked the Spam settings and there's no reason for it to be mean to you like that...hopefully like Nymeth said, it will go away after a little while. I'll just keep de-spamming your comments for now!

Anonymous said...

I've been having Wordpress issues too! Rawr!

Anonymous said...

i was hurt debi...! sniff! you cut me to the quick...!! sniff-sniff!

seriously, i'm sorry that happened! thats so annoying. especially since i haven't been at the internet enough to see this post sooner and retrieve those comments from spam sooner.

well, i've rescued two comments - i hope thats all you posted. and i hope stupid old wordpress sorts itself out!

haha! i've just been struggling to post on blogger now...! it was saying incorrect OpenID url... :)