Friday, May 16, 2008

it couldn't be helped

As I told Becky, she went right for the jugular with this one. No way on earth I was even going to try to resist her It's the End of the World as We Know It challenge. Besides being my favorite type of book (as well as movie), it's always nice to have an excuse to read The Stand again. And it also gives me a chance to finally read The Road, which I've been meaning to do for a while now. My third choice is Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse. Anyway, just thought I'd 'fess up and get it over with.


Ana S. said...

Argh! This one sounds hard to resist.
I want to read The Road too. Even if I do resist I'm sure I'll really enjoy reading everyone's reviews.

chrisa511 said...

yeah...I did it too Debi...geesh, when are we going to learn? Good news is I'm reading The Stand for the first time!

CJ said...

Me? I'm on the other side of this. I enjoyed The Road but I'm not an 'end-of-the-worl' kinda girl. You guys have fun, though.


Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

But this one is right up your alley, as you said... thus, impossible to resist! :)

Happy Reading!!!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

I KNOW. I just signed up for those two new challenges and then I see this--and I've been waiting for a challenge like this (last year I think there was a dystopian one). I'm going to have to give in...

I'll definitely do The Road for this one as well--so we'll have to compare notes.

Bookfool said...

I'm having a terrible time resisting this one, but I think I'm a wee bit shy on the needed books. I tend to read my post-apocalyptic novels the moment they pass the threshold.

Joy said...

Even though it was hard to put down, be prepared for some heavy feelings after (or maybe even during) reading The Road. It took me a few days to shake it. Other than that, have fun! :)

Dawn said...

I read the stand about 30 *gulp* years ago. I loved that book. Enjoy!

take care,

kreed said...

I'll be interested to hear what you think of The Road...I had a hard time with it. Not because it wasn't a good book but more because it was just pretty darn depressing and emotional.