Saturday, October 18, 2008

and here we go... (read-a-thon update #1)

I combined all the computer stuff, because there's so much overlap. I added the food/beverages category in hopes that having to post it would keep me from over-indulging!

Since last post:

Time spent:

--Reading: 60 minutes

--On computer (blogging, commenting/cheering, mini-challenges): 0

--Other (pet care, cooking, etc.): 5 minutes

Between the covers:

--Number of pages: 43 pages

--What I read: Finished last 10 pages of Dracula by Bram Stoker. Read the first chapter of The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.

Down the hatch:

--Food: nothing

--Drink: one insanely large mug of coffee


Time spent:

--Reading: 60 minutes

--On computer (blogging, commenting/cheering, mini-challenges): 0 minutes

--Other (pet care, cooking, etc.): 5 minutes

Between the covers:

--Number of pages: 43 pages.

--What I've read: Finished last 10 pages of Dracula by Bram Stoker. Started The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.

Down the hatch:

--Food: nothing

--Drink: one large mug of coffee

Miscellaneous comments:
So far, so good.


Ana S. said...

Dracula and The Graveyard Book! Woohoo :D

Anonymous said...

you read 43 pages in an hour! and you said you read slowly?! i'd only read 20/30 pages in an hour!

hooray for finishing dracula! :D

Sarah said...

i like the way you posted everything. I might be stealing your format this time around until I figure out what's best for me!

Fyrefly said...

Very appropriate reading for the season! Dracula would have killed me (the book, not the vampire) if I'd tried doing it in read-a-thon format.