Sunday, December 21, 2008

needing a quick dose of good stuff...

Never in my life has the Christmas season been this totally out of hand. (Scheduling the end of a school quarter for this time of year was definitely a HUMUNGOUS mistake!) I seriously feel on the verge of a breakdown. And what does that call for? Yep, a look at all the good stuff of the past week.

*SNOW!!! 19 inches in the past 48 hrs., with another 12+ called for in the next day and a half! So even if a warm front appears out of nowhere, we should still have a buttload left to make sure it's a white Christmas. :)

*Annie finished her first college class! She should find out her grade in the next few days. (Unless she totally blew her final project, she'll probably receive an A- or B+.) So proud of her for giving it a try and for facing the challenges with a smile.

*Jean! Not only did she send me two cards that put huge smiles on my face, she also sent me A Taste of Earth and Other Legends of Vietnam by Thich Nhat Hanh. It looks wonderful! Thank you, Jean!

*Zanna's Gift by Orson Scott Card arrived in the mail while we were away for the day yesterday. I simply had to order it after reading Chris's wonderful review.

*Finally finished all the Christmas baking, and Annie delivered tins of cookies to all the neighbors on Friday.

I hate so very much that I haven't had time to visit everyone's blogs to see how everyone else is fairing. I miss you all so very much! Hope each and every one of you is having a beautiful holiday season!!!


kreed said...

It seems crazier than normal around here this christmas season, too - let's take a vacation! Sounds like you are making progress, though, and I keep thinking it will all be over before I know it and I will be sad that Christmas is done! Hang in there!

DesLily said...

take a deep breath, sit down and take a nap! lol..

Merry Christmas Debi!.. I hope you and your lovely family have the best Christmas yet and a happy and health New Year!

Kailana said...

Merry Christmas, Debi! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

valentina said...

That's plenty of things to be happy about! I couldn't say the same, being stressed by stressed customers in a crazy busy bookshop most of the day. I wanted to do some baking but there's no way I'm cooking after a day of work!

college class? how old is Annie now?:P

Jean said...

I hope to get a post up on my blog later today with a photo of our tree including "the Christmas ape" who sits on top of the tree with the star on his head. Yeah, our family traditions are a bit of the fringe variety. And way to go, Annie, with the writing class! What is she going to take next semester?

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Debi!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Annie! That is super, awesome, wonderful!

And Debi, I've been there and will be again saying "What was I thinking?" LOL!! I never learn from my past mistakes. I hope you can at least take a breather after the holidays.

Ana S. said...

Those are indeed very good things! And congratulations to Annie :)

Bookfool said...

19 inches!!! Whoa!

I just posted a full view of my Christmas tree (and a couple of other photos) at your request, Debi. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

chrisa511 said...

That is indeed good stuff! I want snow again so bad ;( What we had just wasn't enough. Congrats to Annie!!! That's fantastic! That girl has a really bright future ahead of her in whatever she decides to do. And I'm so happy that you got Zanna's Gift!!! Are you gonna get to it before Christmas?

Stephanie said...

Don't feel bad. I'm in worse shape than you are. I have to figure out how I will finish all my shopping (nope...not done yet!), work 5 shifts in 3 days, AND do all my wrapping. Plus finish cleaning my house. So....let's just say, I know what you are going thru!!

Personally, I'd probably take the snow you have. We've only got a few inches, but right now it's -2, with a -22 wind chill. It is butt cold out!!

Eva said...

*big hugs* I'm sure everything will work out in the end, Debi. And your good stuff posts always make me smile!!

Carl V. Anderson said...

Those are all really good things. I read Zanna's Gift over the weekend and just posted my review. Well worth a pre-Christmas read!!!

Melody said...

Congrats to Annie!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy holidays! :D

DesLily said...

merry christmas to you and all of your family Debi!.. I hope you have a super wonderful day and a happy and healthy new year!

Anonymous said...

merry christmas debi!! hope you and your family have a wonderful time.

Eva said...

just wanted to let you know the blog is up and running. :)

Carl V. Anderson said...

I'm missing the Stevens family...hope you all are enjoying your holiday time!

~**Dawn**~ said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Debi--and a blessed 2009!