Friday, February 06, 2009

"Better pull that lip in before you trip on it."

If my dad were here visiting, I suspect that's what he'd say to me right now. Definitely heard those words a time or two or two hundred when I was a kid.

So why am I pouting now? Because Rich and Annie and Gray are all off to the theater to see Coraline. Max and I were supposed to be with them, but Maxidoodle had a rough day and just isn't feeling up to par. We decided we'd better sit this one out, and spend a relaxing evening at home.

Hopefully my lip will be back in position by tomorrow.


chrisa511 said...

Aw :( That's so sad...maybe you and Max can go together one day to see it and make it just a special day for the two of you!

Dawn said...

I love that saying!!! I'm going to have to remember that one!

I'm sorry he's not up to joining the rest of the family. Maybe the two of you can go together sometime to make up for it.

take care,

Eva said...

Awww. Rich owes you! :)

Bookfool said...

Haha, dads and their pithy wisdom. Sorry you missed the movie.

Stephanie said...

Well...that sucks, but at least you get the good mom award for the day!!

I'm hoping to take the kids to brunch on Sunday then off to the movie!!

Ana S. said...

Awww, sorry Debi :( Like Chris said, maybe you and Max can get to go sometime.

Kim L said...

I'd be pouting too! Will you get the chance to go back? I am SOO looking forward to this movie myself. Ack!

Jennifer said...

Oh Debi! That is so Dad used to say that to me ALL the time! My parents would also tell me that they could take a ride to California on my lip!

Sorry Max isn't feeling well...that stinks that you two didn't get to go. Hope he feels better soon!

Jean said...

Don and I will be seeing it next weekend. I'm in Florida visiting my dad right now, and I want to see it with someone who will appreciate it with me. I bet Annie will want to see it again, and you'll get to go.

gail@more than a song said...

I don't think I've heard that saying before. But my daughter remembers one I told them and she didn't and still doesn't like it! When they poked their lips out I'd say something about watching out the rooster was going to land on it...I have no idea where I got it, probably heard someone say it.