Man, did I have a major case of the Sunday night blues last night. Always tough coming off a vacation. I think that may be the reason I was so cranky and got so terribly annoyed with The Strand Prophecy, the book I was reading for the Sci-Fi Experience. I fully expected to enjoy this book, and actually might still enjoy it at another time. Annie definitely loved it. But right now I just have a bad attitude about it, so I'm going to set it aside. (So, what caused my little snit? Well, first, there was this: "...his obsession was with the human brain, and why so much of it was left unused." We use all of our brain! Nymeth found this myth in a book she read recently, too, but I can't for the life of me remember which book it was so I can't link her comments here. Anyway, the author went on to talk about the connections made in our brain and whatnot, and I thought, "Okay, maybe we're actually okay here, and that the choice of wording earlier was just not as clear as it should have been." So on I read. And then I come to this: "Humans are by far the largest population of animal on the planet, thought Steve." What?!! Have you never heard of insects, Steve?!! The Earth's ant population alone is estimated at as high as a quadrillion. And maybe I could even have ignored this, had Steve, the character to whom both of these thoughts are attributed, not supposedly been a brilliant scientist. Yep, there you have and my crankiness laid bare. Hey, better I took it out on a book than on my family, right?)
Okay, but let's get past my petty grumblings, huh? After all, books galore entered my abode last week. I guess I'll start out slow here. These are the books that arrived via PaperbackSwap:
I hope to be back later with a little babble about the graphic novels I read last week. Then I can show you all the new ones I acquired, too.
It was Hardboiled Wonderland & The End of the World by Murakami. That would totally annoy me too! A scientist saying those things...yeah, right, that would happen. Your "ever heard of insects" comment made me laugh out loud, though :D
Guess what I just finished reading! Bugs in the Brain :D Verdict: awesome. Toxoplasma gondii is mentioned in and Rich are seriously going to love that book! I asked you when replying to the comment, but in case you don't see it: if Rich has any recommendations of books on parasites, I'd love to hear them :D
I know I'm going on and on, but I just LOVED the last few lines of the essay: "We need phylogenetic humility. We are certainly not the most evolved species around, nor the least vulnerable. Nor the cleverest."
And a Fine and Private Place <3 I love the cover of your edition. Very "vintage" looking, and very pretty.
Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed that essay! Not only did I find it incredibly interesting, but I really enjoyed his writing...for a scientist, the guy sure can tell a story. ;)
Oh, oh, and I've got just the book for you! (Though maybe you've already come across it.) Parasite Rex by Carl Zimmer. It's one I'm definitely planning on reading for the Science Challenge. I can't remember for sure if Rich has read it or not, but I do know he was the one who recommended it to me because he likes Carl Zimmer.
Parasites? Eeeks!! Um...not sure what else to say. The comment I had in my head has now disappeared. Going to go reflect now on parasites.
Oh ya--curious what you think of House of Sand and Fog. I read it years ago and remember it being dark. But compelling.
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