Look at all this incredible reading I have to look forward to:
And yes, some of it comes with blame attached.
*Echo and
*Psyche in a Dress by Francesca Lia Block (To date, I've only read one of her books, but I loved it. Love the way she writes. Am so looking forward to reading Dangerous Angels and Girl Goddess #9, which are already on my shelves. Now I'm looking forward to these ones, too. :D )
*Cupid by Julius Lester (Another mythic retelling involving Psyche. Was fascinated that this was written by Julius Lester. I read his To Be a Slave. Such an incredible and powerful book. This one is obviously extremely different in style and subject.)
*Hauntings and other Tales of Danger, Love, and Sometimes Loss by Betsy Hearne (This one has been on my wish list a long time. Ever since reading this review at Estella's Revenge. Point for Andi.)
*The Body of Christopher Creed by Carol Plum-Ucci (Becky's review totally sold me on this one. And of course, I needed it for the Printz Project anyway.)
*After by Francine Prose and
*The Book of Lies by James Moloney (I honestly know nothing about either of these, except that the descriptions were too intriguing for me to resist.)
*The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things by Carolyn Mackler (Been interested in this one since I first heard of it, but it was Dewey's interview review that sealed the deal. Again, it doesn't hurt that it will count for the Printz Project.)
*I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith (Nymeth's review is totally at fault for this one. But somehow I didn't realize this was considered a YA book.)
*Define "Normal" by Julie Anne Peters and
*The Bermudez Triangle by Maureen Johnson (I added both of these to my wish list when I searching out possible reads for Amanda's GLBT Challenge. So looking forward to both of these.)
*The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (I was so excited when I learned of this book through Shanra's review...I love Coyote and Anansi and the like. No resisting this one.)
*The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld (I'm going to pretend that I didn't buy this for me. Actually, I don't need to pretend. I did buy it for Rich, because he loved Peeps--this is the sequel--so much. Who cares that I will eventually read it, too.)
*Black Juice by Margo Lanagan (Okay, despite the fact that Nymeth hasn't actually reviewed this book yet, I'm still pinning the blame for this one on her. The love she expresses for Lanagan's writing made it impossible not to pick this one up. Hey, and yet again, the Printz Project.)
*Gothic! Ten Original Dark Tales edited by Deborah Noyes (Includes stories by authors such as Neil Gaiman and Garth Nix...like I could say "no.")
*A Green Glass Sea by Ellen Klages (Do you ever get little fixations? I've this one going for the last several months about some of the scientists involved in the Manhattan Project. Not so much the actual science...as much as I love science, physics is like a foreign language to me...but more the scientists, etc. I think it started with a video Annie and I watched called, "Einstein's Letter." Anyway, this YA book is set in 1943 at Los Alamos. Anyway, I'm looking forward to this one, and if it's good, I might just use it for our "history through literature" unit in school this year.)
*The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish by Neil Gaiman. (Didn't already own it. No further explanation necessary.)
*Meow: Cat Stories from Around the World by Jane Yolen (This is actually one of the books I ordered for Max. But I'm sooooo very much looking forward to reading this one with him that I just had to include it in my list.)
Very cool. I downloaded an audiobook of Neil Gaiman reading, among other things, the Two Goldfish book. It's quite the cool story and, according to what he said at the National Book Festival last fall, inspired by a real comment made by his son Michael.
The Bermudez Triangle is so so good! One of my fav books of the year so far.
And my son really loved The Green Glass Sea. I believe there was a follow up book...let me go check with him. Yes, it's called White Sands, Red Menace and he said that one's really good, too.
Uh-oh. That probably means my box is coming soon! Yikes!
I loved the Body of Christopher Creed which I also read b/c of Becky's review!
Alas, alack, woe! I have my first ever blame point! (At least officially...)
I'm sure you'll love Yolen's Meow. It's so cute! My only regret is that it isn't longer and has more stories in it. It's far too short! But utterly beautiful. And I hope you'll enjoy Coyote Road too! (Actually, I hope you'll enjoy all the books, but these are the ones I know. ^-~)
Can I just come to yours and look at them all. They all look so fabulous. I loved I Capture the Castle and would definitely recommend it.
Omg!! Chris actually resisted that sale??? He has superhuman powers, I'm telling you!
Psyche in a Dress is the only other Block I've read so far ( though that is soon to change thanks to a lovely friend of mine you just might know :D) and I loved it. Cupid sounds awesome too! I think it was Becky who said a long time ago it was one of her favourite books, and it's been on my wishlist ever since. And you know, I think I'll stop now because otherwise I'd bore you to tears by commenting on EVERY book you got :P
PS: Ok one more: Meow! I didn't know that existed! Want!
Oh my goodness--so glad I didn't know about the closeout. My ability to resist buying books has been shamefully low lately. Like I fear there might be something wrong with me. Of course if there's something wrong with me, there's something wrong with you all, too! :P
Enjoy Debi!!
Why oh why are you doing this to me? Don't you know that my powers of resistance when it comes to super cheap books are slim and none? Don't you know that there is not even one (not even ONE) more space for even one (ONE!) more book in this house? Don't you know that it will take at least two longer than average lifetimes for me to read the books I already HAVE? Don't you know that if I bring more books in the house my mom will kick me out on my @$$ and I'll have to use my books to make myself an impromptu shelter against the elements?
I was being so good...I saw Chris's post and his admirable resistance and even surfed on over to Book Closeouts and actually said, "nah, I don't need any of this. Really." Then here you come along with your *pictures* and your *savings* and your severely delectable pile of *cheap books* and all is lost!
Well, at least when I find myself homeless, my impromptu book shelter will be very large....
Wow, look at what you have, Debi!! Enjoy them all! :)
HELLS YEAH Christopher Creed. I AM NOT BIASED. No, not at all.
(feel free to read that one first.)
That is anexcellent haul. I really must read Coyote Road. Funnily enough I just finished Gothic at the weekend and will try and put up a review either this week or next. I really enjoyed it overall.
I am here by order of Renay to tell you to read "The Body of Christopher Creed" first :p And I love all of the books that you bought!!! I might have a bruise on my ass from kicking myself so much for not buying any!!
Well, you still have kids. So, at least 2 or 3 people will probably read those books. It sounds like a worthy excuse to me.
I Capture the Castle is fun. I didn't care for the movie, but I enjoyed the book.
I would love to receive a haul like that in the mail! I used to splurge like that for myself for Christmas but I didn't this year. Maybe this year! Enjoy your books!
Wonderful pile of books! I bought that Gothic book long ago just because I loved the cover so much. It is great. I also love the cover on Hauntings. You're going to have to let me know who the artist is.
You did well!
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