Tuesday, January 02, 2007

little bits of happiness

Must be that new year optimism thing kicking in again. Just feeling positive tonight. And grateful for all the little bits of happiness. In just the last few minutes I've smiled and said a word of thanks to the powers that be for several small, but oh-so-wonderful things.

There's this way beyond comfy pair of pjs my parents gave me for Christmas...I swear I could live in them. And this totally cute pair of slipper socks that match the pajamas perfectly. (Now, I don't normally care one iota about matching my socks to my pajamas...but they look so dang cute together I couldn't help but notice.)

There's the news from my parents that Max is really using the "potty". This is big. I mean, really big. Huge, in fact. And miraculous, too.

There's Gray's belly laugh.

There's Baker's irresistably adorable face. (Geez-I don't think I've ever even blogged about the addition to our family back in late October. Sweetest beagle boy ever.)

There's the long, snuggly hug Rich gave me as we cleaned up after supper.

There's the fact that I've given myself permission to take the rest of the evening off from laundry and cleaning and lesson planning...and I don't even feel guilty about it.

Yep...life is good.


Dawn said...

That sounds like a good day and lots to be happy about. I have some pajamas I would love to just lounge around in for days :)

And the "potty" news....well that is big :) Hurray!!!

take care,

marianne said...

It's the little things, isn't it? Always has been for me too. Glad you're having such a good start to 2007.