Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Some useless facts about me

Just a little fun lifted from Marianne. Love her blog!

A is for age: sometimes 42-years-old, sometimes 42-years-young

B is for beer: not a big beer drinker, though I don't mind a St. Pauli Girl now and then (gin and tonic is my drink of choice)

C is for career: nothing that would pay the rent, or even buy me a candy bar...currently a SAHM homeschooling my oldest

D is for my dog's name: the cutest little beagle on the face of the Earth is named Baker (he came from the shelter with name already attached)

E is for essential items used everyday: hmmm...TP comes to mind; deodorant; soap (okay, that's enough of that exciting list)

F is for favorite color: red, red, and more red

G is for game: love them...especially anything that requires use of the brain

H is for hometown: dinky little burg called McKean, PA

I is for instruments I play: none...I'm one of the multitude who wishes they hadn't quit piano lessons as a kid

J is for favorite juice: Ruby Red

K is for who's butt I'd like to kick: hate to get political, so I'll just keep this one to myself

L is for last place I ate: just had a sandwich at the kitchen table

M is for marriage: and I'm blessed with an incredible one

N is for my name: official-Debra; common-Debi; to Rich-Thelma; to my monkeys-Mommy; to my mom-Myrtle

O is for overnight hospital stays: geez--I've lost count

P is for people I was with today: Rich, Annie, and Gray (Max is at my parents' house)

Q is for quote: love them, collect them, can't get enough of them

R is for biggest regret: this is a tough one, but what comes to mind is letting myself gain so much weight when I quit smoking

S is for sport: hockey and football

T is for travelled to: haven't really been anywhere exotic, but then I'm not an exotic kind of gal...loved our trip to Moosenee, Canada though

U is for current underwear: yes, they're clean, so I'd be okay if I were in an accident

V is for vegetable I adore: cauliflower, raw or cooked

W is for wish: I wish people could learn to live and let live

X is for x-rays I have had: teeth, guts, foot

Y is for youthful ambition not fulfilled: well, I always wished I could sing back-up in a Motown band

Z is for zodiac: Pisces


marianne said...

Hey, girl! Great to see you posting again - I've missed you. Know you've been busy otherwise - three kiddies will do that to you - but hope we get to see you more this year.

A most Happy 2007 to you! :)

Dawn said...

That was fun to read...I feel like I know you a little better now :) Maybe I'll have to think about doing the same :)

take care,