Monday, January 08, 2007

odds -n- ends

Just some little tidbits...

*Max has trouble figuring out which shoe goes on which foot...just can't quite get it straight. A few minutes ago, as he was getting ready to go to Lowes with Rich, I heard him say, "I wish I only had one foot. Then I'd only have one shoe." Guess there is a certain logic to that, huh?

*WOOHOO. The Eagles won. Just barely, but we'll take it! So Saturday night, they meet the Saints. Sorry Stacy, but I guess we'll be rooting against each other.

*Where the heck is winter?!!!!!!!


Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

UH OH, we just won't have to talk football until this game is over. They are on such a streak too, that I'm really worried.

Please just promise NOT to rub it in too much to me if your Eagles win. I'll try to reciprocate if Tim's beloved Saints win :)

~**Dawn**~ said...

so...i guess you didn't appreciate my football chatter from this week huh? ;-) sorry. *not* an Eagles fan! i am with Stacy rooting for the Saints -- although i will grudgingly admit that i do like your kicker & your back up QB. it's McNabb who irks me.

all that being said:

Debi said...

Geez-I'm getting outnumbered here!
But that's actuality, the Eagles don't have my heart anyway. (The part of heart reserved for football will always belong to the Dolphins, for better or worse!) But I gotta cheer on the Eagles-my sweetie's too supportive for me not to give a little back.

~**Dawn**~ said...

oooo... a division rival huh? i didn't know that! ;-)

what is your take on the Saban thing? angry about the way he handled it or just glad to see him go? that's one Belichick protege that doesn't seem cut out to hack it in the NFL. have the Dolphins picked someone up yet? i would think that Mora or Cowher would be two head coaches everyone would be salivating over!

Debi said...

Dawn-I read somewhere earlier today that they're after Pete Carroll. Who knows.

Personally, I'm still living in the distant past...I've never forgiven the organization for pushing Shula out. I adored that man. (And never cared one iota for Jimmy Johnson!)