Tuesday, February 13, 2007

just babbling...

Topic A: this dang cold

*Not sure what to make of this stupid thing. It seems to be reinventing itself on a daily basis. Thought we were witnessing some improvement yesterday. But then during the evening, everything seemed to move from my chest to my head. So much pain and pressure in the sinuses...you know, the kind where you just wish your face would simply explode and get it over with. Again with the coughing all night long. And now this morning, I have no voice. Throat no longer hurts though, so that's wonderful. But of course, it took the kids all of 30 seconds to figure out how to take advantage of a voiceless mommy.

Topic B: this dang cold

*Weather, that is. Another cold snap. It is above zero (though just barely), so I really shouldn't complain. Feel bad for Gray though. They only have outdoor recess when the temps are at 20 or above. It's been quite a few weeks since the school's playground has been put to use.

*And thanks to this big storm which will be bringing snow to much of the east, we should finally get more than 2 or 3 inches in a day. It's weird to go this far into winter without a big dumping. But if the forecasters are correct (now there's a big "if"), we're to get close to foot tonight and then another foot plus tomorrow. Followed by lake effect snow. But we'll wait and see.

Topic C: in the kitchen

*Made that new recipe for Lasagna Florentine last night. It was okay, but not nearly as good as I remember my old recipe being. So now I'm on a quest...determined to find a really good recipe.

*Must make cupcakes for the boys Valentines parties at school tomorrow. But I feel bad to be baking when I'm sick like this. So I've decided I'm going to wear disposable gloves and a disposable mask. O.K., not really gloves...that probably wouldn't be any more effective than the incessant hand-washing we do around here anyway. Is that as weird as it sounds? Probably overkill, I suppose. But I would hate to pass along any germs to those poor little kiddos. I guess I get a little paranoid about it because of Annie. For most kids, a cold is a cold. But when she was younger (preschool and kindergarten age) and picked up a cold at school (or anywhere else, of course), as often as not, it landed her in the hospital for 3 or 4 days because of her asthma. The first signs of the sniffles in her, used to lead to great anxiety in our house. Luckily, she rarely gets sick anymore, and when she does her body is much better at dealing with it. But anyway, that's why I'm being such a wacko about baking cupcakes. But safe than sorry, huh?

Probably just better skip Topics D-J. Babbling should have its limits, right?


~**Dawn**~ said...

oh or when you bend over & the pressure makes your head feel like it's going to pop right off. no fun at all. keep an eye on that cold though, ok? i've had pneumonia twice & it is *not* something to add to your to-do list. trust me on this.

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Ugh, bummer on the cold. I hope you feel a ton better soon. Stay warm and feel better!!!

Dawn said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear that you are still sick. I hate that sinus pressure feeling! I hope that by now you are feeling better.

I have had so much sickness in my classroom. They are dropping like flies around here.

Take good care of yourself!!!

take care,