Location, Location, Location...
Where do you do most of your reading? Your favorite spot? (Show a picture, if you want to!)
(And yes, I understand that these might not be the same thing--your favorite spot could be the beach, but you do most of your reading at home . . . in which case, tell me about both!)
This is where I do most of my reading. Snuggled up under the covers, with Rich reading beside me, and 9 times out of 10, with Aldo curled up sleeping on my chest.
As far as my favorite spot, that's a little tougher. Anywhere I can get some reading in is okay in my book. But I think my favorite spot is sitting in the shade of our enormous pine tree in the back yard as the kids run around playing.
I have one particular corner of the couch in which I curl up and read. Even as a little girl, I would choose the same corner. If I have to sit somewhere else, I get all antsy-like. Weird, I know! I ocasionally like to read outside on a warm day, but then I find I get distracted with the garden and outside chores that need to be done. These days, though, I get so very little reading time that reading in a locked bathroom would suit me fine. Anyway, but the car - hurl! Blech.
That is a nice comfy place to read, Debi. Nice picture by the way :)
Happy BTT - thanks for stopping by my blog! Have good day!
Really nice pic, Debi. :) I'd love to have a place to snuggle up with my books too.
Thanks for visiting my blog! ~Alice~
Oh, I got a kick out of how similar our answers are! Love it! Nice picture, too.
Ok, now I'm sleepy. That looks like a perfect place to read and nap. I remember when I used to read outside while the kids ran around. Now we all read outside but don't do much running around!
I read in bed a lot too!
Think Stacy usually does this Thursday thing but wanted to let you know, their internet is out! So she and I have no blogs as well, I have email and internet so just thought I'd let you know. It could be a few days before they get it resolved....but I hope it's sooner!
Gail-Thanks for the info! I figured something like that must be going on, since in the last two days I've clicked on my links to both yours and Stacy's blogs no less than 20 times. Maybe closer to 50. I need my fix!
As do I!
My favorite spot to read? Wherever I am when I have a free moment! Neither my sons (strapping teenagers of 19 and almost 17) nor I leave the house without at least one book-in-progress in our possession. A moment waiting in line (for me) is a moment to read. A car ride (for them--they don't drive yet) is a time to read.
My favorite place to read is in bed :) Nothing like getting as comfortable as possible with a good book.
take care,
Sitting under trees seems to be a consistant theme! :-)
I like to read it bed too, especially right before bedtime. Hubby will come sit/lay beside me and read with the cat on his chest and the dog in his bed right next to me.
Happy BTT, and congrats on Executive Order, I'm still unpacking and haven't had much opportunity to read lately:(
Curled up in bed, with your hubby beside you, sounds like sheer heaven to me! My husband is not a reader, and what little he does read, he's sitting straight up on the couch. He swears he can't read in bed; he just falls asleep! So he won't even attempt it.
Love the picture too, looks so cozy! :)
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