Saturday, March 10, 2007

an explanation, perhaps?

I think I may have made a discovery. A possible explanation for the sluggish behavior. It may be my mind's way of telling me I'm simply not fit for duty today...

Rich, with Max in tow, ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things (if you can call 8 bags worth "a few things"). Anyway, upon their arrival home, I made quick work of those 8 bags, getting everything put away. No big deal. A few minutes later, I went to get my water bottle out of the fridge. And sitting there, right on the top shelf, is a bottle of monster truck bubble bath. (Max obviously successfully conned Rich into this purchase.) And no, that is not where I normally keep it.

Of course, in reality, I cannot use this incident to explain anything. Since this type of thing is a daily occurrence, and has no correlation whatsoever to my level of productivity.


Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Hmm, you're not blowing bubbles as you drink your water, are you?!


Dawn said...

I never send my Rich to the store. I'm always afraid of what he'll bring back and I think he and Tim would make an AWFUL combination LOL!

I agree with Stacy, I hope you're not blowing bubbles with your water consumption :)

take care,

Unknown said...

Great post! Theres a lot of things I cant explain either