Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hour 21

Minutes: 40 (Other 20 spent on last update, checking in with Dewey and some other readers, making a fresh pot of coffee, letting dang dog in and out, getting dang dog his morning pill and breakfast, and writing a limerick for the last challenge)

Current book: Still reading The Wright 3.

Pages: 33 (The nap really paid off!)

Misc. comments: First of all, I'd really like to know why, after all I did for dang dog over the past day, why he couldn't help keep me lively when I really needed him?!!

Okay, and now for Dewey's latest challenge. We were to write a limerick or haiku about one of the characters from one of the books we read today/tonight/whatever. I couldn't remember exactly what the syllabication is supposed to be for a limerick, but hopefully this is close enough...

Tom Skelton and friends took quite a trip,
Through space and time, they did fly and flip,
Learning much about night,
And things that cause fright,
And in the end, they saved their friend Pip.

(About The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury.)

Totals tally:

Minutes: 814

Pages: 510

*Finished A Time to Kill by John Grisham, which I had started before Readathon.
*The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury
*80 pages in The Cobra Event by Richard Preston
*124 pages in The Wright 3 by Blue Balliett


Anonymous said...

Hi Debi, I'm back again...and you're still going strong! Congratulations - not long to go now.

Kathleen said...

Cool limerick!

Eva said...

Wow-I'm very impressed by the limerick! I wimped out and went for the haiku, hehe.

alisonwonderland said...

great limerick! :o)

Dewey said...

Nice limerick! And 810 minutes is a LOT of hours!

Ana S. said...

I love your limerick :D