I love doing my "good stuff" posts, and figured that since Melissa is now hosting Good News Sunday, Sunday would be the perfect time to post a new one. Again, it didn't happen.
Rich got home a little early from work on Friday, and I decided to just blow off all responsibilities and head to the basement and scrapbook for a bit. (Surprised I remembered how as it's been so long.) Meant to post my layout. Obviously, that didn't happen either.
Yep, sometimes life just gets in the way of blogging, huh? And don't worry, I do realize that is a good thing.
Anyway, here are the condensed versions:
"Homeschool Happenings and Highlights"
--Annie's favorites from the week:
*starting The Giver
*swimming lessons
*watching Nature: Alligators and Crocodiles (reptiles unit)
*watching Save Our History: Star-Spangled Banner (War of 1812 unit)
"Good Stuff"
*having Rich home...of course!
*conversation hearts "in season"
*having two extra days off from school
*starting The Fellowship of the Ring and finding that I was an idiot for ever having felt intimidated by it
*making time to scrapbook
*cuddling up with a warm beagle
*cuddling up with a warm husband to watch 2 episodes of Jericho
*paperbackswap.com, from which I got Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
*gift cards, which allowed me to pick up Blaze by Stephen King, The 6th Target by James Patterson, and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami (I know, I know, I was trying to save the rest of my gift cards, but with the discount from Educators Week, I just couldn't resist. But now the cards are spent, and I'd better start reading!)
"Creating Update"
*one scrapbook layout
*working on another project that I can't really talk about yet
Okay, and now I best get back to my previously scheduled life. (And catching up with everyone else's lives.)
Ah, so you're a fan of the old conversation hearts, eh? As for me, I just ordered a supply of Bittersweets from Despair.com. They take the idea of conversation hearts to a new but lower level. Yeah, we're not exactly too sentimental when it comes to Valentine's Day.
Sounds good to me...especially the conversation hearts!
I'm excited you started Fellowship. Of the three books I feel like it meanders a bit too much during the first half of the book but I still like it and feel that each successive book just gets better and better.
Glad your hubbie is home and things are returning to some degree of normality.
The Fellowship of the Ring! Today my boyfriend found this beautiful and good as new editions of LOTR plus The Hobbit in a gorgeous little box at a charity shop for only £3! When I was done being incredibly envious, I started thinking that it will be time for a re-read of LOTR soon. I miss Middle-Earth.
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is great! Hope you enjoy it :)
Sounds like you have lots of great things going on. Love the scrapbook page! Very cute.
I bet you will enjoy LOTR, it is a fabulous read, even though it does get long at some points. It is one of my favs.
More homeschool happenings and highlights, please! Also, I'm wondering. Do the boys ever want to homeschool with Annie?
That scrap-booking page is adorable! What are conversation hearts? I've given you the "You Make My Day" award. :)
I always enjoy viewing your bookscraping projects, Debi! BTW, I have passed you an award too. ;)
I'm glad he got home ok, I know you were glad! And it's good to throw everything aside at times and do what you want!
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