*Finishing up and binding her folktales book. (For each folktale we read, she wrote a summary, talked a bit about the elements of folktales contained within the tale, and mapped the country of origin.)
*For our New York Natural History unit, we're learning about wildlife in winter. Annie went on a winter hike to the Birdsong Trail and fed the chickadees.
*We're up to Florida in our States unit, so we whipped up a Key Lime Pie. (A totally quick and easy cheater's version, but still oh-so-yummy!)
Awesome! That's a very cool idea for the folktales :)
Ya know, we've homeschooled for 3 years now and I feel like I keep repeating a lot of stuff for the New York History component. Grrr.
We're on North Dakota right now *yawn*
Debi, I love Annie's folktales book! I think that's such a neat idea. :)
What wonderful photos! She looks so proud of the book, as she should be and so serious making the pie, again as she should be. Thanks for sharing.
What? No mock election for studying Florida? ;-) (I can poke fun. I did not live in Florida then.) What else do you have planned for Florida? Or is that a one & done and moving on to the next state?
I know what you mean about New York history. I don't quite understand the regs, so wasn't sure if we needed to do NY each year or what. But decided I'd better throw in something each year. Since we did the history-history stuff plus women's suffrage and New York authors last year (if I'd have known better, I'd have stretched that out over a couple of years), I decided to just do natural history plus museums and stuff this year. Did hear a really neat idea that I might try next year though...using this book called Great Graves of Upstate New York: Finding the Resting Places of 70 True American Legends. Sounds kinda fun.
Here's a link if you're interested.
New York Graves
She's so cute! And it looks like she did a great job on her book.
What! Key lime is one of my favorites and you didn't invite me up! You know I've never tried to make it before, I just wait until I go out and find a place that has a really good one to order.
wonderful photos! I love her feeding the chickadee. now I'm curious about what she'll do/did for MD! ;)
Yum, key lime pie!!!
Very cool cover for the folktales! Make sure and pass on to Annie that now that I've gotten at least some of my science fiction gorging done I will be starting on some of my What's In a Name books (which I'm sure some will be sci fi anyway, but what can you do? :) )
Great pictures, by the way.
Awesome! Love the photos. Hooray for homeschooling.
The New York graves thing sounds pretty cool.
Fun times! I miss homeschooling so much!
What a cute book! Looks like she's got a great teacher :-)
It's what Eva said in another comment - you make homeschooling sound like such fun! And Annie always looks so happy in those pictures.
The folktales book is a great idea!
I would love to homeschool my kids. But A. I need to work. And B. the school that is in our district is fantastic. Today Chad got pulled into testing for the gifted classes because of his ISAT scores and his grades. Truthfully, I probably couldn't do him justice.
Mmmm...I love Key Lime Pie!!
Great ideas, and such a varied list of things you guys are working on. I watched a taped cooking show last night and they made key lime pie bars, but used regular plain limes and not the more expensive key limes. They looked delicious, and I bet yours was too :)
Happy Learning!
Looks like fun! I love Annie's face in that last picture. She's looking at that mix like *ewww, gross*, LOL ... or maybe she's concentrating on keeping it *in* the bowl, LOL!
Debi, just want to let you know you're tagged! ;)
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