Wednesday, September 17, 2008

geeking...week 17, day 5

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

(Or more precisely, "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley.--Robert Burns)

I just had to pick that as my quote for today's Weekly Geek, because it simply seems to sum up my life these days. Seriously, I thought these week's challenge would be an easy one to follow through with even for a scatterbrain like me. And still I managed to blow it by forgetting to post yesterday.


Anonymous said...

When I hear this quote,I automatically think of Eddie Izzard's skit in "definite Article" ;)

Anonymous said...

Here's the clip! :D
The Best Laid Plans bit is about 2:00 into the video.Oh..and there's some language,just in case you watch w/ kids in the room...

Eva said...

You didn't blow it! I didn't even sign up, because I figured I'd end up forgetting half the days, lol.

Ana S. said...

I really like that poem. And don't worry about missing a day! The intention counts :P

This week has been kind of crazy, hasn't it? My reader is exploding all the time.

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

I've always loved this phrase, probably because I am an anti-planner. Things just work better for me as spur of the moment ideas :)

chrisa511 said...

Hey, at least you participated! I haven't done a weekly geeks in so long! Loving your quotes though :)

Bookfool said...

It won't kill anyone that you missed one day of quoting. This quote reminds me of Dr. Who. There's a scene in which the best Dr. Who ever -- Tom Baker -- quotes the original version and then says, "Glug, glug, glug". I think he might have been referring to the Titanic, but all I remember is the way he said it and that it was during one of those scenes with the military man.

Could I possibly be more vague?