Monday, December 01, 2008

this is real life

I can say for certain that I am not the only person currently sitting in a state of shock right now. I'm fairly sure I'm not the only person out here who simply has not been able to stop the steady flow of tears over the last hour.

Truly my heart is breaking for Dewey's husband and son. I honestly can't begin to comprehend how hard the last week must have been for them. It's so hard knowing there's nothing you can do to ease their pain.

And frankly, selfishly, it's hard knowing that Dewey is gone. This whole idea of IRL friend and on-line friend...well, it has never hit home harder how ridiculous those distinctions are. No, I've never met Dewey face-to-face. But in no way could I have considered her more of a friend if I had. For the past year plus, she's been such an important person to me. We all know what a wonderful place her blog is, and about all the fun "stuff" she puts together. Losing all of those things will make the book blogging place an entirely different world. But I know for me, and I suspect many others out here, it's so much more than that. My affection for Dewey only continued to grow as we became closer through e-mail. She was such a supportive, funny, caring person.

I just don't know how to say it, but Dewey was one of the truly "good people" out in the world. A generous, loving person if ever there was one, you know.

Anyway, I wasn't sure what to write here. But I couldn't let that stop me. I, along with so many others, will miss Dewey more than I know how to express.

I love you, Dewey!


Thoughts of Joy said...

Very sad news in our blogging community - for sure. :( I'm glad to have known her.

Lizzie said...

Dewey introduced me to your blog several months ago.

We'll all miss her so much.

Anonymous said...

That was the very first thing I read this morning when I woke up and I'm still feeling a bit of shock over it. So very sad :(

Ana S. said...

You said it perfectly, my dear Debi. The distinction between "real" and "online" doesn't make sense. I cared more about Dewey than about many people I see face to face every day. And though we only got to see one side of her through her blog, I think that side was enough to show us what an amazing person she was.

As invaluable as she was as a community member, as someone who brought others together, like you I will miss her most of all as a person. I really, really looked up to her. I loved her, loved her way of thinking and of expressing herself.

And you know, for the past few days I had been worrying too :( Especially after she missed her Weekly Geeks post. I had a bad feeling that something was wrong, and I kept visiting her blog just in case google reader had missed the updates for some reason. And then today I saw :(

Big hugs to you, Debi.

Louise said...

I also just saw those terribly sad news. I am one of those who just recently had the honor to get to know Dewey and I know she will be hugely missed both irl and online. I don't know what to say.


Stephanie said...

I was so stunned by this news this morning. And you are right. I've never met Dewey, but I feel such a sense of loss right now. It would be the same if I lost any of my other blogging friends. I honestly feel closer to most of you than I do most people I know if "real life".

So sad. My heart is breaking today.

Jennifer said...

I didn't read her blog, but "heard" you mention her often. I'm very sad for her family. We just lost a friend (funeral was Sat.) who left behind a precious wife and two children. It is so diffficult anytime, but somehow it happening at the holidays seems even worse. I'm sorry for the loss you are experiencing as well. I will say a prayer for her family.

Dawn said...

Oh Debi, I am so sorry for your loss. I've never been to Dewey's blog but I've "heard" you mention her often. I agree with you about online friends. It is as if we all know each other just as surely as if we were sitting having coffee daily!

My thoughts are with all of those that are saddened by her loss, especially you. I wish I had words to comfort you. Just know that you are in my thoughts and heart!

take care,

Bookfool said...

What a lovely tribute, Debi. Dewey was an early visitor to my blog, over two years ago. It's a sad day in the world of book blogging.

Jean said...

{{{{{{{Debi}}}}}}} Consider that a virtual hug, the best I can do right now, I'm afraid.

chrisa511 said...

I totally agree with you Debi. You can't separate "real" friends from blogging friends. There are those of you that I feel closer to than friends that I see...Dewey was one of those people. I'll miss her so much. I know we all will. Big big hugs to you Debi!

Just like Nymeth, I was starting to worry too. I just can't believe that this happened.

Melody said...

I'm stunned by this sad news. I didn't know until I read Nymeth's post. She'll be sorely missed.

Carl V. Anderson said...

That is such horrible news. I had always been in awe of Dewey and the things she accomplished online. She will certainly be missed as she was indeed one of the good ones. I am so glad that I was able to collaborate with her during the Oct. 24 hour challenge. I can certainly understand the feelings of sorrow having lost someone that had only been a part of my internet life a few years ago. It is amazing how strong that connection can be and not surprising just how much we really can touch each other's lives through this medium. I am so very sorry for her family. Despite the fact that they certainly didn't want her to be in pain it must be absolutely heart breaking to have to go on with that loss. I'm sorry for your loss as well Debi, I can relate and it is very, very hard. Please let me know if you need anything.

Bybee said...

I know exactly how you feel. Well said.

marianne said...

oh Debi, how terribly sad. I'm so sorry for your loss of such a good friend. I only know her name from you mentioning her but it was always clear that she meant a great deal to you.

My thoughts are with you, her family, and all those book bloggers whose lives she touched so beautifully.

Becky said...

I was thinking that it might be nice for those bloggers who are Weekly Geeks to pay tribute to Dewey in the next week or so. To take the time to post to their blogs a "Weekly Geek" post about Dewey--maybe share their favorite posts from her site, maybe share a memory or two about participating in weekly geeks, the bookworms carnival, the 24 Hour Readathon, or one of Dewey's challenges, maybe just share a favorite memory of Dewey in general, what they'll miss most, how they'll remember her, etc. I'm going to try to post mine this Saturday--but bloggers anywhere and everywhere are encouraged to post whenever they want.

If you're interested please SPREAD the word to all your blogging friends.

gail@more than a song said...

I saw someone mention this on facebook but I didn't follow the blog....sad news.

Kim L said...

((hugs)) I hear ya Debi. I feel the same way as you, I was just in shock when I read it. Dewey was such a big part of the community here and I hope some people are able to carry on some of her projects.

kreed said...

Although I haven't ever been able to keep up with all of you book bloggers (you all wear me out with your energy and dedication to reading - I am just too lazy!), I know how often you talked about Dewey...and I know that as wonderful as you are anyone you care about is pretty wonderful. I am so sorry.

Eva said...

What a beautiful post Debi. Like Nymeth, I really looked up to her, as an incredible person and also as someone with fibromyalgia like me who accomplished so much. I've been close to tears since I heard the news...I'd be crying now, but I'm in my school library. :(