Mailbox Tuesday, that is. I'm not sure what my problem's not like I didn't read other people's Mailbox Monday posts yesterday. So how on earth did I forget to post my own acquisitions. Oh well, my brain isn't always the most cooperative of body parts.
The good news for the old wallet is that they all came from PaperbackSwap. And even more good news, I get to pass off the blame for a couple of them. So, what did I get?
Best Science Fiction Stories of H.G. Wells. This is another book for that class I'm hoping to use with Annie next school year. But man, do I want to just crack it open right now!
Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Just one of those books that I've always thought I should read, so when I happened to see it at PaperbackSwap, I just ordered it.
Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto. This is one of those duel point-winners.
Eva's review made me add this to the old wish list to start with, then
Melody's review made further resistance futile.
Jesus Land by Julia Scheeres. I'm afraid poor
Chris is taking the rap for this one. Sorry, Chris...I know you haven't even reviewed it yet. But when you go posting your own acquisitions like that, it tends to make people curious. Then they have to go investigate those books they've never heard of. And occasionally one of those books will just sound so damn interesting that they cannot even make themselves wait for a review and they'll just haul off and order the book. And when that happens, well, I'm afraid you're just going to have to shoulder the blame.
LOL...I love that I'm getting points for books I haven't even reviewed now :p It does look really good though, doesn't it? Kitchen has been on my wishlist too ever since Eva's review! She'll get the blame for it one of these days. And can't wait to hear how the Wells stories are. He's great!
I really want to get Kitchen too. I think I will for the next Japanese Lit challenge. Jesus Land does sound very interesting. And yay for Wells' short stories!
I really enjoyed Life of Pi, and of course I hope you love Kitchen to pieces! :D
lol i love watching Chris rack up the points! hahaha him and Nymeth! they deserve them all! hahaha..
i have a used copy (the hardback illustrated one) of Life of Pi in my tbr pile. (hmmm i say i have things in tbr pile alot! sheesh!)
I'm so thrilled to see you've got Kitchen!!!! And of course, I'm happy to get a point too, LOL.
You know, I'm one of those people who haven't read Life of Pi yet! I need to get this too! Now you've piqued my curiosity on the book that Chris recommended. ;)
I gave Kitchen to my "partner" in the Book Blogger Christmas fete. She wanted books by Japanese authors, and how can you pass up an author named "Banana"? I can't wait to see what you think of it.
Life of Pi. Hmmm. I thought it was peculiar most of the way through (interesting, but peculiar), then I finished it and couldn't stop thinking about it. It was a very good book. Can't wait to read your thoughts.
Couple here I haven't heard of. Kitchen has to go on my TBR list, which is getting way out of control.
I usually post my Mailbox Monday on Friday, so you're doing really good when you get yours posted on Tuesday. :-)
I have a friend who is a huge Banana Yoshimoto fan. I am looking forward to reading her one day.
Enjoy your new books!
Someday, when I grow up, I'll read Life of Pi, too. I began it once, because I've heard nothing but people LOVING it. I HATED IT! But, that's not fair because I didn't finish it. Which is something I never do with books. SO, anyway, maybe, just maybe, I'll join you in reading this one.
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