Monday, April 02, 2007

one of those days...

Here it is, barely mid-afternoon, and I'm already worn out for the day. Couldn't sleep last night...more so because my brain wouldn't chill out than from the usual interruptions. Finally gave up and go up about 4:00. (Had to get up at 5:00 anyway, to tape an Assignment Discovery show...gotta love those free homeschool "supplies".) Anyway, I actually really enjoyed those early morning hours...curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee and read for an hour, then knit for the next hour while I watched the show I was taping. Rich got up about the time that was over, so I came in and posted my menu and read a few blogs. After that, things started going downhill...

--Annie woke up with a doozie of a cold.
--Max woke up with a doozie of a rash. He forgot to put on a pull-up before bed.
--All 5 blankets plus sheet on Max's bed paid the price.
--The neighbor called and wanted me to babysit her kid today after school (this is in addition to Wednesday and Thursday, all for no pay).
--Had to attend a parents' meeting at Max's preschool. (Though Annie and I were the only ones who showed up. Felt bad for the extremely nice lady who gave her whole presentation just for us.)
--Hit the grocery store to pick up a couple odd items.
--Hit the library to drop off a few and pick up a few things.
--Because I procrastinated for so long, I had to rush home to get my boxes ready to mail for Easter. Wanted to make sure I could get them to the P.O. today after I picked up Max from school. (Hope they all arrive in time.)
--Got home, made lunch, finally got the beds made (well, except for Max's since his bedding is in the dryer) and vacuumed the living room. (It looked like a popcorn factory exploded in there after the kids' movie last night.)

So here now it is almost time for Gray (and neighbor kid) to arrive home. I haven't even begun on Annie's school day, though she's spent the bulk of the day reading so we just may call that good with the exception of a few projects she's working on for "homework".

Okay. Enough complaining. On a good note, Rich and I got to go out last night and do our Easter/birthday shopping. Had a great time! We just don't get to spend nearly enough time together these days. (Of course, it is the fact that we were out for the evening that led to the pee-filled bed and the popcorn fiasco. It's somewhat comforting to know though, that a babysitter can't quite fill Mommy's shoes.) Anyway, also in the good column...I finished Jean's book. Had a hard time putting it down to get anything done on Saturday. It was fabulous. But I guess there's no need for a book review since no one else can read it anyway. (I really think she ought to look into changing that.)

Well, Max's bed is not going to put itself back together itself, is it? So on that note, I shall get back to work.


Dawn said...

That sounds like a busy day. I know about tired. I just woke up from a quick nap. I needed one to get through the night.

Hope things get back to your normal schedule soon.

take care,

Anonymous said...

LOL, yep! You're a Mom, alright! I know all to well how those days go, LOL. Hope tomorrow is not so hectic.

Vivian Mahoney said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

gail@more than a song said...

It does sound like one of those days! Reading curled up on the couch sounded a bit fun though.

Unknown said...

Hope things are better. You sure did sound busy!!!!